Advice / Opinion
Benji Hyer’s Vaccination Documentary
Benji Hyer presents an exclusive mini-documentary about one of humanity’s success stories: vaccines.
Wizard Radio
Published 28 May 2019
Benji Hyer's Vaccination Documentary

Vaccines are widely regarded as one of humanity's success stories. They've helped put an end to some of the world's most dangerous diseases.

However, coverage for the MMR vaccine has fallen for the 4th consecutive year in the UK. This has led to a significant increase in mumps and measles cases.

Mumps is caused by a virus that infects and causes painful swelling. In rarer circumstances, it can even lead to meningitis. The most recent mumps cases are linked to teenagers mixing in close circles when they go to university.

Benji Hyer delves into the algorithms, echo chambers and psychology behind why some individuals have gone anti-vaccination.

Measles, meanwhile, is a highly infectious and potentially deadly disease. Public Health England warns that "measles can kill, and it is incredibly easy to catch, especially if you are not vaccinated."

So why is it that less people are vaccinating now, despite the threat it poses? Well, politicians and doctors are claiming that social media is the main factor behind the anti-vaccine resurgence which is infiltrating the decision-making of parents nationwide and across the world.

In this mini-documentary, W!ZARD Radio Station’s Benji Hyer delves into the algorithms, echo chambers and psychology behind why some individuals are once again buying into this harmful message.

Broadcasted exclusively worldwide on W!ZARD Radio Station.

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