Advice / Opinion
Edits Have Ruined My Brain Chemistry and I’m Into It
Welcome to Life With No Warning, the show where Isa Jorio shares her personal diary of all the completely unpredictable things that happen when you're a girl who has lived in 7 countries... and are still in your early 20s.
Isa Jorio
Published 16 December 2024
Life With No Warning / W!ZARD Studios

On "Life With No Warning", Isa Jorio shares the stories that not even her friends and family know all while giving tips on friendships, relationships, travelling and more. This podcast is here for all of us trying to figure out what this life even is and what we want from it. New episodes every Monday.

Okay, so here’s the sitch: Luigi Mangione did murder a whole capitalist overlord, but like... why is he serving so hard while doing it? Is Isa wrong for thinking he’s fine?

Meanwhile, in the we listen and we don’t judge safe zone - yes, Isa exposes some dark and gross stuff, but she's being her true, real self, and isn’t that supposed to be good? Like, isn’t it inspiring to just be yourself? And speaking of brain spirals, Isa is here spiralling over how edits have her fully tricked into finding ugly-cute hot now. Like, brainwashed 101.

Follow Isa on:
Instagram: @isa.jorio
TikTok: @isaaapisaaa

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