Holy Swift | Episode 117 - The Man (with Erin Mallory Long and Jamie Woodham)
Three Taylor Swift superfans dissect the entire Swiftography... but not, like, in a creepy way.
Holy Swift
Published 14 October 2019
Holy Swift

Holy Swift is a weekly podcast where three Taylor Swift superfans (Jessica Zaleski, Krista Doyle, and Kelly Boyles) dissect the entire Swift discography (Swiftography?), song-by-song, in meticulous detail. But not, like, in a creepy way.

This week we're joined by Best of Friends hosts Erin Mallory Long and Jamie Woodham to discuss Thanksgiving leftovers, pizza speakeasies, and the song "The Man".

Listen to the full episode below.

Please Note: This content may include explicit language and references which may not be suitable for young listeners.

[audio audio="" title="Episode 117 - The Man" descr=""]

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