News & Politics
Hyer’s Highlights: The Brexit Disaster
Listener Elana suggests that Theresa May should strive to reach across the political aisle to resolve the Brexit Disaster.
Wizard Radio
Published 22 January 2019
Theresa May giving her Brexit speech on Monday 21st January 2019

The UK is experiencing the greatest constitutional conundrum the country has faced recent times.

Newspapers across the English Channel called the current Brexit situation the worst British crisis since Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament four centuries ago. One Belgian paper stated that whilst many scenarios remain, they all seem to lead to more "chaos, uncertainty, and bitter conflict."

There is a famous British expression that encourages us to 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. And one of Theresa May's most famous election phrases was 'Nothing Has Changed'. At this critical stage, though, she cannot just keep calm and carry on as if nothing has changed; something has to give.

On Benji Hyer’s Sunday radio show, listener Elana suggested that the Prime Minister should have – and should still strive to – reach across the political aisle to seek a consensus on Brexit, and that this is the only way forward.

Benji agreed that this is the time to put aside party differences and bring the country together. In doing so, Theresa May should stop pandering to hard-line Brexiteers, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn should prioritise the nation's interests over his party's, and together they should pursue a softer Brexit for the benefit of the UK.

Broadcasted exclusively worldwide on W!ZARD Radio Station.

[audio audio="" title="Benji Hyer on the Brexit Disaster" descr="Benji Hyer responds to listener Elana who suggests that Theresa May should strive to reach across the political aisle to resolve the Brexit Disaster. (5 minutes)"]

Listen to the full discussion from Benji Hyer's radio show on the 'Hyer's Highlights' podcast, here

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