Advice / Opinion
Hyer’s Highlights: Veganuary
Benji Hyer goes as far as saying that future food packaging should include a picture of the deceased animal plastered on the front.
Wizard Radio
Published 07 January 2019

‘Veganuary’ is alive and well. Record numbers of people – well into the tens of thousands – have signed up to living on a plant-based diet, for this month least. Since the movement began five years ago, participant numbers have more than doubled each year.

Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet be the “single biggest way” to reduce your environmental impact on earth.

On his Sunday radio show, Benji Hyer read messages from listeners Victoria and David (not the Beckhams!) and explored the idea that veganism will be more mainstream in decades to come… and even shockingly suggested that future food packaging should include a picture of the deceased animal plastered on the front.

Broadcasted exclusively worldwide on W!ZARD Radio Station.

[audio audio="" title="Benji Hyer on Veganuary" descr="Benji Hyer explores the idea that veganism will be more mainstream in decades to come… and even shockingly suggested that future food packaging should include a picture of the deceased animal plastered on the front. (6 minutes)"]

Listen to the full discussion from Benji Hyer's radio show on the 'Hyer's Highlights' podcast, here

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