Internet Culture
Interview with Cherdleys
James Gilmore interviews Chad LeBaron, the man behind Cherdley's
James Gilmore
Published 05 May 2017
Chad LeBaron as Cherdleys

Most people won’t know the name Chad LeBaron, but a lot of people know the name Cherdleys.

Chad LeBaron is an actor who may be best known for his character Cheb, a nerd-like character he plays on his massively popular YouTube channel.

Doing stunts (such as cutting skaters off whilst in his heeleys) and teaching people how to throw great parties, be a ‘cool’ basketballer and how to be a ‘cool’ rockstar has gained Chad over 1 million views on YouTube. And a fair amount of punches (turns out that people don’t like being tricked?)

[youtube video='_5jXzfJfonY']
James Gilmore interviewed Chad LeBaron about his characters, how his friends react to his stunts and how he gets ready to mess with the public.

Broadcasted exclusively worldwide on W!ZARD Radio Station.

[audio audio="" title="James Gilmore interviews Chad LeBaron" descr="James Gilmore interviews YouTuber Chad LeBaron, better known as Cherdleys, about his characters, how his friends react to his stunts and how he gets ready to mess with the public. (9 minutes)"]
To listen to Part 2 of our interview, where Chad plays his character Cheb for us, click here.

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