Name 3 Songs | Why The Barbie Movies' Feminism 101 Matters
Name 3 Songs was created to challenge sexism in the music industry and empower fangirls.
Name 3 Songs
Published 02 August 2023
Name 3 Songs / W!ZARD Studios

Join Name 3 Songs as we think critically and unlearn internalized misogyny together. Co-hosts Sara Feigin and Jenna Million are long-time fangirls with 10+ years of music industry experience. This is a music commentary podcast based on in-depth research and the personal opinions of the hosts.

This week on Name 3 Songs…

Fangirl Nonsense: Harry Styles has a tattoo of Olivia’s name on his thigh. Jungkook continues on his world wide promotions for “Seven”. Plus! We read out your votes from our Instagram polls including song of the summer and your thoughts on Zayn’s “Love Like This”.

The Barbie Movie’s feminism 101 is more important than most people are recognizing. We explore the ways in which the Barbie movie is a vehicle to spoon feed easy-to-understand feminism to the masses – many of whom haven’t been exposed to feminist theory or thought it did not apply to them. Barbie is making people think twice about how they’ve been negatively affected by the patriarchy.

At a time when US politics are becoming more restrictive for women and minority groups, this movie might just be the Trojan horse we need to open some minds.

Want to talk more? Find us:@name3songs | @sara_feigin | @jenna_million
For detailed show notes on each episodes visit:

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