On "Life With No Warning", Isa Jorio shares the stories that not even her friends and family know all while giving tips on friendships, relationships, travelling and more. This podcast is here for all of us trying to figure out what this life even is and what we want from it. New episodes every Monday.
Isa’s embracing change - aka she got nipple piercings because, duh, it’s an instant hotness upgrade. Welcome to the club.
Should you get them too? Probably, but let’s break it down. Meanwhile, she barely survived her death-trap Parisian apartment stairs, almost broke an elbow, and literally sliced her ass.
Follow Isa on:
Instagram: @isa.jorio
TikTok: @isaaapisaaa
[audio audio="https://traffic.megaphone.fm/WIZD4496195131.mp3" title="Nipple Piercings: My New Personality" descr=""]