Internet Culture
Press Send | A Big Dose of Perspective with Reshma Sujani
Chinae Alexander wants to hear about your problems.
Press Send with Chinae Alexander
Published 26 June 2020
Press Send with Chinae Alexander

Chinae Alexander, an entrepreneur and lifestyle personality, wants to hear about your problems. On Press Send, she’s fielding your questions and bringing her trademark honesty to the issues, big and small, that we all actually care about. Join Chinae and a unique guest each week as they dish out advice about everything from dating to career to friendship. No question is too intimate and no topic is off limits — just press send.

This week Chinae is joined by the wonderful Reshma Saujani!

Aside from being a Chicago native, a Mom of two, and the author of Brave, Not Perfect, Reshma is the founder of Girls Who Code, the international nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and computer programming.

Come hang out with them as they dive into everything from allyship and activism, to breaking up with your therapist. They also touch on the sweetness of slowing down, the importance of critical feedback, and taking up hobbies solely for enjoyment.

Instagram: @chinaealexander / @presssendpodcast
Twitter: @chinaealexander / @presssendpod
YouTube: Chinae Alexander
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