Q&A: New Relationship Energy and Friendship Dramaode
Welcome to Open Late, a deep dive into all things relationships. Let’s explore the multi-faceted, frequently misunderstood, dynamics of polyamory and what being "open" even means.
Open Late
Published 06 September 2023
Open Late / W!ZARD Studios

Welcome to Open Late, a deep dive into all things relationships. Let’s explore the multi-faceted, frequently misunderstood, dynamics of polyamory and what being “open” even means. Each week you’ll hear all about host Jess Esfandiary's personal journey with Opening Up, and uncovering the deep, complicated, and occasionally kinky layers of our hearts as expressed in the ways we love others and ourselves.

In this episode, Jess talks to you in another Solo Episode.

She answers the listeners' questions from the public Q&A she shared on her social media. She explains the importance of getting feedback and what makes the show improve. Likewise, she talks about how her background in the entertainment industry helped her build her self-confidence, leading to her ability to speak publicly about her open relationship.

In this episode of Open Late:

> Importance of getting feedback
> Love for acting and building your self-confidence
> New relationship energy and knowing your balance
> Fear of telling your closed group friend and how to approach it
> Need for a community that understands and the ability to say no

Connect with Jessica:
Instagram: @journey.with.jessica | @openlatethepodcast
Website: |
YouTube: Open Late Podcast

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