Sex Parties: the Good, the Bad, and Sometimes Ugly (with Dr. Zhana and Ginger Banks)
Welcome to Open Late, a deep dive into all things relationships. Let’s explore the multi-faceted, frequently misunderstood, dynamics of polyamory and what being "open" even means.
Open Late
Published 14 June 2023
Open Late / W!ZARD Studios

Welcome to Open Late, a deep dive into all things relationships. Let’s explore the multi-faceted, frequently misunderstood, dynamics of polyamory and what being “open” even means. Each week you’ll hear all about host Jess Esfandiary's personal journey with Opening Up, and uncovering the deep, complicated, and occasionally kinky layers of our hearts as expressed in the ways we love others and ourselves.

In this special celebratory 100th episode of Open Late, Jessica is joined by her long-time friends Ginger Banks, an adult performer and activist, and Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, an NYU Professor of Sex and Sexuality and renowned sex researcher.

Together, they discuss the nature of play parties and the standards organizers should follow, emphasizing the importance of embracing mistakes as a natural part of exploration and growth.

The trio shares their own diverse experiences and perspectives, shedding light on how these experiences have shaped their outlook on various subjects. They delve into evolving gender questions and examine the impact of gender on sexual experiences.

Consent, safety, and trauma responses are also key topics of discussion, with an emphasis on the significance of obtaining explicit consent and creating a safe environment for all individuals involved. The hosts explore the complexities of trauma and its potential impact on responses within sexual contexts.

In this episode of Open Late:

> Nature of play parties and standards for organizers
> Embracing mistakes as a part of personal growth
> Evolving gender questions and their impact on sexual experiences
> Significance of consent, safety, and trauma responses
> Time myopia and the role of transgression in sexual exploration

Connect with Jessica:
Instagram: @journey.with.jessica | @openlatethepodcast
Website: |
YouTube: Open Late Podcast

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