Making it in the music industry takes grit and a lot of patience, but also sound financial advice. Laura Veltz is a 4x GRAMMY-nominated songwriter and has teamed up with Tracy Hackney, a seasoned financial advisor for musicians, to bring you the tips and tricks of the industry. Joined by host and producer, Kevin Sokolnicki, the trio has interviews with some of the most prominent and up-and-coming songwriters and artists in the music industry.
What is stealing anyway? In the songwriting world, there are a million ways it can happen. Sometimes (but rarely) it’s quite blatant, and sometimes it’s as innocent as forgetting you wrote the same concept in a different room two years ago. The fact is, it happens.
There can be big consequences that can tank your reputation and your finances, but all of it is pretty much avoidable if handled right.
This week, Laura lays down a few simple rules to keep you out of proverbial songwriter jail and maybe prevent or soften the blow of a costly lawsuit.
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