Switched On Pop | Did Fiona Apple Just Release a Perfect Album?
A podcast breaking down the music of pop hits.
Switched On Pop
Published 29 April 2020
Fiona Apple

Pop music surrounds us, but how often do we really listen to what we’re hearing? Switched on Pop is the podcast that pulls back the curtain on pop music. Each episode, join musicologist Nate Sloan and songwriter Charlie Harding as they reveal the secret formulas that make pop songs so infectious. By figuring out how pop hits work their magic, you’ll fall in love with songs you didn’t even know you liked.

Since 1996, Fiona Apple has only ever had one hit, “Criminal”. Nonetheless, every album she’s released has been nominated for a Grammy.

Her newest work, Fetch The Bolt Cutters, has received near universal acclaim. Apple’s songs are simultaneously idiosyncratic and relatable, tackling unusual themes for pop songs: middle school bullies, uncomfortable dinner conversation, toxic masculinity and female friendship. Apple accompanies her idiosyncratic lyrics with homemade percussion and only minimal piano. The final product is on the borderline between crafted composition and impromptu improvisation.

It is this duality which makes the work relatable and timeless. Her two song suite “I Want You To Love Me” and “Shameika” have connections to Beethoven, Yeats, and Patti Smith, which Switched On Pop break down in the first half. And listeners call in during the second half to share what moved them about the album.

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