On "Life With No Warning", Isa Jorio shares the stories that not even her friends and family know all while giving tips on friendships, relationships, travelling and more. This podcast is here for all of us trying to figure out what this life even is and what we want from it. New episodes every Monday.
Isa dives deep into the oddly fulfilling art of being a B friend. You know, the one who’s there, in the background, silently cheering you on.
We lay out a list of reasons why being the background friend isn’t actually a curse. Spoiler: it might be more fun than being the main friend! But Isa had to spiral into a whole tangent about how some guy is definitely lowkey stalking her.
Follow Isa on:
Instagram: @isa.jorio
TikTok: @isaaapisaaa
[audio audio="https://traffic.megaphone.fm/WIZD5994260098.mp3" title="The Oddly Fulfilling Art of Being a B Friend" descr=""]