Advice / Opinion
Why Are We Like This: Bleach Edition
Welcome to Life With No Warning, the show where Isa Jorio shares her personal diary of all the completely unpredictable things that happen when you're a girl who has lived in 7 countries... and are still in your early 20s.
Isa Jorio
Published 30 December 2024
Life With No Warning / W!ZARD Studios

On "Life With No Warning", Isa Jorio shares the stories that not even her friends and family know all while giving tips on friendships, relationships, travelling and more. This podcast is here for all of us trying to figure out what this life even is and what we want from it. New episodes every Monday.

This week, Isa and her sister Moni reunite and dive headfirst into chaos. Moni spills on how she bleached her eyebrows and got literally laughed at by strangers, while Isa talks about bleaching her hair and ending up with a full-on facial rash.

Oh, and of course, we sprinkle in some classic drama because what’s a sibling catch-up without roasting bad decisions? Tune in for the laughs, the oversharing, and the questionable life choices.

Follow Isa on:
Instagram: @isa.jorio
TikTok: @isaaapisaaa

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